
Trellix Operational Resiliency Management Program

Trellix strives to focus on operational resilience by integrating business continuity, crisis management, cybersecurity incident response, disaster recovery, emergency response, and risk management processes – all of which are designed to maintain a state of readiness to bounce back from business disruptions should they occur.

Trellix's Operational Resiliency

Trellix Operational Resilience is based upon the ability to recover and resume operations as quickly as possible after a significant business disruption and respond to such disruption by safeguarding our assets, resources, as well as protecting Trellix vital business records, while continuing to provide service to our customers even in a temporarily degraded state. To accomplish this, the following resilient strategies are leveraged:

Business Continuity

Through an established Business Continuity Plan (BCP), every effort will be made to present a clear
course of action to accomplish the following objectives:

  • Protect human life – Provide for the safety and well-being of employees, contractors, and visitors
  • Return to normal business operations as soon as possible and minimize financial loss
  • Limit the magnitude of unnecessary loss of physical assets and intangible assets like reputation
  • Reduce any conflict, confusion, and indecision through preparation and education
  • Establish priorities with regard to both Critical and Essential functions
  • Maintain the confidence of stakeholders, employees, and customers

Components of the Business Continuity Management (BCM) Program

  • Risk Analysis: Evaluating the potential natural, man-made, and technical risks that could affect Trellix’s critical resources and operations.
  • Business Impact Analysis (BIAs): Evaluating the impact of the loss of critical resources to the organization, allowing it to determine the severity and priority of planning and recovery efforts by Business Continuity Management (BCM) Program.
  • Crisis Management: Trellix Crisis Management Plan (CMP) consists of addressing various kinds of crises scenarios (Cyber, Nature, and Man-made)
    • Protect human life – Provide for the safety and well-being of Trellix employees, contractors, and visitors
    • Communicating both internally as well as externally the operational state of Trellix and other updates depending upon event
    • Limit the magnitude of uncertainty by managing the event to facilitate operational control and reputation
    • Reduce any conflict, confusion, and indecision through scenario based proactive documentation, education, and training
    • Establish priorities with regard to Critical Functions, customers, employees, investors, finances, operations, and reputation
    • Maintain the confidence of stakeholders and employees and protect Trellix
  • Cybersecurity Incident Response: Trellix Cybersecurity Incident Response Plan (CSIRP) consists of addressing various kinds of cybersecurity scenarios (Malware, Ransomware, Phishing, DDoS, etc.)
    • To protect the network from intrusions be following best practices and constant monitoring
    • To protect informational data, source-code, sensitive data (internal and customer)
    • Have run books that address various scenarios that are reviewed and tested on a constant basis
  • Disaster Recovery Plan: Trellix Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) consists of several Information System Continuity Plans (ISCPs)
    • Ensure Trellix is able and ready to recover critical technical resources in the shortest time frame possible
    • Ensure a smooth transition into and out from ‘disaster operations’
    • Effectively manage ‘technical disaster recovery activities’
    • Continue operations during recovery efforts, as much as possible
    • Effectively communicate with all related parties throughout the disaster event
    • Ensure ISCPs remain current and relevant through regular reviews, testing, and other maintenance activities
  • Emergency Response: Trellix Emergency Response consists of addressing various kinds of crises (active shooter, fire, flood, etc.)
    • Primary focus to ensure Trellix is able protect health-safety and facilities
    • Coordinate activities with regional/local law enforcement and other first responders
    • Effectively communicate with corporate and relevant entities, protect assets, resources, intellectual property, etc.
    • Ensure emergency response documentation remain current and relevant through regular reviews, testing, and other maintenance activities