User:Swiss National Library
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The Swiss National Library (NL) is the official library of the Government of Switzerland. It preserves a lot of books and pictures which are originated in Switzerland. The National Library collects every publication, from Swiss daily newspapers to novels, from documentaries and yearbooks to official publications and geographical maps. In our two most important special collections, the Prints and Drawings Department and the Swiss Literary Archives there are a lot of photographs, etchings, posters, postcards and manuscripts. The Centre Dürrenmatt Neuchâtel is also a part oft the Swiss National Library.
To the collections of the library belong more than five million documents. They are accessible for everybody. If you need help with your research about Switzerland then just ask us.
This account is made in the context of the initiative Wikipedia:GLAM. It won't take part to any encyclopedic work on the English speaking Wikipedia. Its aim is to provide a communication channel to the community, to facilitate collaboration around our projects.
This account is currently managed by :
- Matthias Nepfer, shortly: ^MN
- Romano Stähli, shortly: ^STRO
- Andreas Berz, shortly: ^AB
External links[edit]
Ortsteilansicht , Samedan, 1912
Camera by Albrecht Meydenbauer
Plan der Bahnhoferweiterung Winterthur 1894-1895
Plan der Bahnhoferweiterung Zürich 1865 - 1871
Saint-Moritz Bad in 1906
Basel, ca. 1890